Ahmet Erkaya / Mandolin Aegean Bistro

Historically, Greeks and Turks have been rivals, and yet there has always been this harmony: We influenced each other, shared the same land andbody of water, and the food was very similar. The two cultures would share recipes; the neighbors would play music with one another. The mandolin is a very understated instrument shared between the Turks and Greeks. When the Greeks were forced to leave Turkey during the cultural exchange, they brought mandolin-oriented folk music with them. Every one of us had a family member who played this instrument, including my mom and Erhan’s grandfather, whose old mandolin hangs in the restaurant. There’s something extremely poetic about this type of music, and at night we play a lot of old rebetika from the ’40s.

About Mandolin Aegean Bistro

At Mandolin Aegean Bistro we our proud and passionate about the food we grew up eating. We crave the smell of fresh baked bread, roasted lamb, grilled fish, and of course, our mom’s homemade specialties therefore, we’re dedicated to recreating dishes that are simple, rustic and authentic to the villages of Greece and Turkey. Our table is where family and friends can gather, for love, for laughter, for spirited conversation, A place to feed your stomach and your soul.


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