This week on Chat Chow TV, we meet Steve Green, Founder of NetUpNow and Host of the popular #FoodieChats. Steve loves Tweeting, easting and sharing Foodie Pictures with the World. Check him out!
About #FoodieChat
Steve Green, Founder of NetUpNow, created the hashtag #Foodiechat on May 9, 2011. Each Chat has a different theme which consists of ten questions asked by your host @steveGOgreen, who has over 20K Twitter Followers.
According to TweetGrader, Steve Green is ranked in the top 16,000 out of the top 11 million Twitter personalities. Steve also has a Klout Score of 64, and a Kred Score of 858!
#Foodiechats reaches over three million followers and over 13 million impressions per week, according to Hashtracking.
Three million followers and 13 million impressions per week are great, but we care more about how many quality people are participating and sharing with their friends.
#Foodiechats is more than just a weekly Twitter Chat. #Foodiechats is a community! We engage with our friends and followers Every Single Day.