Discovery en Espanol celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month with the premiere of its original production, Gen H (Hispanic Generation). The documentary follows three successful, young professionals living in the United States on their journey of realizing their dreams. They are true to themselves, focused on success, Hispanics, and are being called the Generation of the New Millennium. The documentary follows them on their daily life, revealing the diversity of their activities and the challenges they must face every day to reach their creative and professional goals. They followed Jose Mendin , a talented Puerto Rican chef and entrepreneur that after making his rounds around the world, decided to take root in Miami. Co-owner of Pubbelly and three successful restaurants, Jose was nominated for a prestigious James Beard Award for Best Chef.
About Discovery en Espanol
Discovery en Espanol is the Spanish-language voice of Discovery. It is the premier network dedicated to offering the finest in quality programming in the areas of science and technology, world culture and history, nature and wildlife as well as real-life drama. The network creates an indelibly enriching experience by collecting the best of what Discovery’s networks have to offer in combination with its own original Spanish-language content. Created by the world’s most trusted media brand, Discovery en Espanol translates not just the words, but the feeling of Discovery, educating and engaging audiences nationwide with fascinating glimpses into the incredible world they inhabit.
@Pubbelly’s @ChefMendin on Discovery’s “Generacion H”.
My @pubbelly friends working hard as always… Check this out! Hispanic Gen en Discovery en español! Felicidades!