Bootleg Botanicals Old Fashioned Infusion Kit

Love having a cocktail at home but don’t like the time it takes to make it? Then we have found your solution — the Bootleg Botanical Old Fashioned kit.

The Old Fashioned is the grandfather of all cocktails and with the Bootleg Botanical kit you can now infuse your favorite bourbon to taste just like one, meaning that with just a few short steps you can have an Old Fashioned ready to pour whenever you please.

The kit comes equipped with everything you need to infuse your whiskey. Just drop the botanicals and your choice of whiskey into a clean jar, shake and let sit until it’s the color and taste you desire (roughly about 18 hours).

Once the whiskey has properly infused, pour it into the provided Italian Glass flask using the stainless steel funnel and coffee filter to strain. Label your creation with the sticker also from the kit and voila! Your Old Fashioned is now ready to pour at a moments notice.

Want to try out the kit for yourself? Enter our giveaway below! One lucky reader will win the Bootleg Botanical Old Fashioned kit for themselves. Good luck!

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